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“That was the most seamless IT transition I’ve experienced. It was as if it didn’t happen. Except now we have a much more secure environment.”
Jim Stewart
How do you feel as though we fit into your organization?
Well, I think True and Pliancy have turned out to be very much aligned, in the sense that we both recognize the need to take risks in order to move forward. In our model, that means betting on new technologies that very often don’t even exist in the marketplace today, but doing it in a calculated and thoughtful way to mitigate the risk of things going wrong. One of the ways we do that is by having great partners, and my sense is that Pliancy does exactly the same.
So you’re picking high quality tools — 2-factor authentication and single sign on, for example. You’ve identified best of breed and brought it together in a single solution. We like that because it’s very much consistent with the way we think we manage risk.
“Have you surprised us? Yeah — your ability to recruit top-notch talent that’s a perfect culture fit and has scaled for us over the years has been a great surprise.”
What prompted the decision to move to the Pliancy Platform?
Well, Pliancy has been a partner of True Ventures for a long time. You helped us move our data into the cloud and out of the world of on-premises data servers. I am motivated by recognizing the best tools are probably going to come from people who understand our need best, and that, in fact, was your team.
The tools that Pliancy has put in place for us are super helpful. I think equally important are the awareness and training levels. One of the things I like most about the Pliancy model is we have personal contact. We have a set amount of meaningful hours per week where a Pliancy team member is here. I don’t want to underestimate how valuable that personal contact is, because it helps our team understand what penetration looks like or what a phishing expedition could look like. It is pervasive. The controls are important, but teaching people why it matters is equally important.
“We’re in an industry where we cannot fall behind on technology or security. I consider Pliancy an ideal partner relationship because you understand what we do so well. You staff a team of problem-solvers with an appropriate sense of urgency around the problems we manage day to day.”
True Ventures invests in founders of movements and products that capture the imagination, explicitly empowering founders to take more risk by creating a safe space for personal expression, wild ideas, and truly novel innovations.
Funds Raised
Pliancy has been True Ventures’ IT partner through 11 rounds of fundraising, totaling $2.4 billion.
“Because the IT infrastructure piece came together so smoothly, I had more energy and attention to focus elsewhere. That had a big impact on my personal experience.”